Mike and Sarah Burke have been together since 2011. If there was ever a definition of yin and yang it exists in them. They work together so well because of their different approaches to life and business. Mike has been a leader in the military for 20 + years and Sarah has a vast array of experience with the DOD and civilian world.

Sarah and Mike know that success has no clear path, and that life takes us all in a lot of different directions. Through their experiences, failures, and successes the “Always in Pursuit” mindset was born. In conjunction with the podcasts, newsletters, and blogs they hope to add value to your life and help pave a clear course for you by creating a family of likeminded individuals that want to collaborate; sharing insights and lessons learned so that we can all pursue a quality life together.

This will be a journey and frankly it is the best part. So, do you want to take this journey with them and start living life on the offense?

Mike S. Burke

Founder of Always in Pursuit Mindset

Consistently promoted above my skill level by the US Army for 23 years. 16 years in Special Operations, specifically the 75th Ranger Regiment. 14 Deployments with this amazing unit. 33rd Regimental CSM of 2D Cavalry Regiment and Currently a Brigade CSM in the US Army.

  • Father of 4 Children

  • Married to my equal Sarah N Burke

  • Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership

  • Also the Founder and host of Kill Tank Radio (former)

  • Current Host of Always in Pursuit Podcast

  • Regular Contributor to From the Green Notebook blog

  • Kettlebell Instructor

Sarah Burke

President of Always in Pursuit

Sarah is an adventurer, Jeep®-Lover and Fitness Guru. Her attention to detail, passion for life, her husband, family and fitness are just a small list of things that make her the glue that holds the Always in Pursuit brand together. In addition, Sarah’s list of accomplishments are:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in English

  • NRA Pistol & Home Invasion Instructor

  • Counterintelligence and Surveillance Team Member

  • CrossFit Level 1 & Kids CrossFit Certificate

  • RYT 500 Yoga Instructor

  • International Export/Import Business